Tuesday 5 January 2016

It's been a while!!!!

Wow it's been nearly two years since I started this Blog and so much has changed in my life. I'm two year older for starters lol but jokes aside I've changed so much in this time. Where are my manners...Hi all and Happy New Year to you. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and got to spend some quality time with your loved ones. 

As I was saying so much has changed, I've moved out of my mums house and now I live alone. (Crazy, scary, fun!) I'm an adult now....boo how dull! I left my old job, started a new job and then got dismissed just before Christmas haha. Weirdly enough I was happy about it cause I know this year is going to bring some amazing adventures my way and I can't wait. I've started this natural hair thing so I no longer wear my luxurious and long weave anymore (kinda miss it but I'm feeling the 'all so natural' feeling) 

Insert pic so you can see I've been feeling myself lol. 
I'm in a better place mentally and physically but I have so much more to work on with my health. I've probably lost about 1 stone and a half altogether over the last 8 months but it's been an up and down situation kmt. I've vowed to myself that I will do things properly because I ain't getting any younger and one day I will want children. I can't expect my body to look after itself I have to take ownership and take care of it properly. 

Which brings me to the reason I'm writing this blog today. I've set myself a 12 week challenge whoop whoop. I have decided that over the next 12 weeks I will:

1) Log out of all my social media apps except Twitter which I will only use for my blog. 

2) Cut out all snacks i.e crisps, chocolates, biscuits and sweets. 

3) Exercise more (at least 3 times a week) 

4) Try something new each month (new classes of any sort) 

5) Read and write more to expand my knowledge 

I will keep you all updated with my progress (good and bad) 

If any of you have an suggestions for classes or other activitiesplease for free to comment or email me with them. 

I will document all with pics and videos of my iPhone 6 (let's really see how good the camera is!) 

Btw this is not a New Years resolution cause I think they're pointless. This is just a new thing I want to try out and add to my life if it works. 

Please come back next week so I can let you know how I'm getting on.